Header created with a scrap kit by the incredible Kristine at WenchdGrafix called Into The Mystic. You HAVE TO visit her store HERE and her blog HERE... what a hoot she is! The swirlys came from a 200X200 gif I had laying around on my hard drive with NO idea who created it (let me know if it's yours). I have no clue about the tube of the girl either... I got it from MQQN and thought it was cute!

I CT for Rebecca PSP!
~click blinkie to visit her store~

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I CT for designs by heidik!
~click blinkie to visit her blog~

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I'm alive... and I've been tagged!

Well, I've been gone for awhile. TONS of sleeping and have done NOTHING as far as scrapping! The past three weeks has been the pits! I ached so bad that even my hair hurt! I'm starting to feel a bit better but still can't breath well. I don't ever remember feeling this bad in my life... and for so long! Anyway, I'm still alive. Sooooo.....

I was tagged yesterday! Thanks Kristine!!!

I must tell 6 things about me... that you may not know...
(1) My favorite comedian is Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean). I've been a fan of his since the beginning and even have the whole OLD Mr. Bean series on DVD.
(2) I have over 300 gig of FREEBIE scraps burned on DVDs for my personal use! That doesn't include the kits I bought. (I've majorly slowed down searching for freebies, LOL, and buy more that I love now.)
(3) I am homebound due to panic attacks, migraines, allergies and insomnia.
(4) I have three children that I raised and two more that I gave up for adoption at birth to WONDERFUL families. One of them found me (and she's gorgeous AND successful)!
(5) My pet peeve is liars.
(6) My dream is to move OUT of the Chicago area to someplace that is always warm and not humid. Arizona and New Mexico would be ideal for me.

Now I’m gonna tag the ANYONE who reads this. Please let me know so I can come and comment! Thanx.

Hopefully I'll be posting again soon! This cold/flu/whatever it is has GOT to break soon! HUGZ

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm sick....

... so be careful. I think Kristine breathed on me when I visited her blog. She had the cooties too, so I think you can catch it by blog-hopping!!

::: cough :::
::: hack :::
<< sniffle >>

(( sigh ))

I'll be back after I'm done sleeping 20 hours a day... for a few more days anyway.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another LO

This winter has GOT to end! I'm getting soooo sick of it. Yesterday it was close to 50 degrees... a warm trend for Chicago! But we still have plenty of really cold weather coming. The weather man is talking of MORE snow possibly. I need my WARM!!!

I did another LO... this time with a kit by MyDigiStyle called Watercolor Dreams - Jessica1. You can get it on Mabelle's blog... AND if you make a LO with her creations, you can get an exclusive addon! This time we were supposed to make a LO with the theme "Thankful" so here's mine. This is Julie, one of my granddaughters, who wasn't expected to live. She was born at about one pound and surprised everyone. She still has problems, has a permanent tracheotomy and feeding tube, but she now walks, plays and loves. She's our little miracle! Click on image to see it larger.

Kit used is Watercolor Dreams - Jessica1 by MyDigiStyle
Scalloped template is 10 template decoupe papier (4) by Digiscrap.ch
Font used is Lucida Handwriting

That's it. Not much going on since I'm still in "hibernation mode". Cya!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Another QP... my 2nd one!

I did another QP for a challenge (it was supposed to be a LO but I couldn't really find a pic I liked). This time I used a really kewl kit by Dnadryad. She's offering it free in 8 parts and I LOVE the colors! As of today, she has uploaded 6 parts! Go check it out HERE and leave some loving! If you create a LO you can get the entire kit just for participating.

Here's what I created. It is 12x12 300dpi. Hope someone likes it!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

My very first QP!!!

Here's what I did! I'm kind of proud of it... it actually looks good, haha. I created this quickpage with WenchdGrafix Emerald Isle kit. You can get the whole gorgeous kit HERE... and you can download my QP at her blog HERE. NO, the monkey isn't included. Thanx for looking!

What are you waiting for? GO GET IT!

Friday, March 7, 2008

I made a QP!!!

... but I can't show you... YET, haha. It's my very first quickpage, woohoo! And somebody actually LIKED it!!! Tomorrow maybe... sometime this weekend at least!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New day, same ol'....

Nothing new really... bored bored bored. I can't wait for SPRING to get here! I'm sick of hibernating.

I downloaded a bunch of mini-kits from Little Dreamer Designs created by "dreaming" designers. Each kit had 3 papers and 3 elements. This is the first one I played with... my friend Atasi who came to watch my son's best-friend's band, Hollow Rain, with us. All original music!

Click image for larger view
Kit used: Elegant Mod by Sarah Barber at Little Dreamer Designs
Fonts used: Freehand591BT and Bauhaus 93

I'm planning on playing with a few more at least, but for now that's all I have. I'm off to do my daily blog-jumping! Ciao