Header created with a scrap kit by the incredible Kristine at WenchdGrafix called Into The Mystic. You HAVE TO visit her store HERE and her blog HERE... what a hoot she is! The swirlys came from a 200X200 gif I had laying around on my hard drive with NO idea who created it (let me know if it's yours). I have no clue about the tube of the girl either... I got it from MQQN and thought it was cute!

I CT for Rebecca PSP!
~click blinkie to visit her store~

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I CT for designs by heidik!
~click blinkie to visit her blog~

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A couple MORE Valentines....

Happy Valentine's Day! I don't know how I did it, but I missed posting my day 3 Valentine! I love this kit by Fraisinette.... called Mon coeur est à toi (My heart is yours in English).

Kit - Mon couer est à toi by Fraisinette
"Happy Valentine Day" graphic found on Google image search, no credits listed

And today's Valentine!! I used Osten "The Dude" Wilkin's BRAND NEW kit called Tortured Love. You can get it in his store today HERE. AND if you join his forum and participate in the Embellish It! Challenge, you can get soooooo much more of Tortured Love for free... just for participating! Here are some previews of Tortured Love:

And here's my Valentine using his kit:

Kit - Tortured Love by Osten "The Dude" Wilkins
Fonts - TXT Sloppy Script
Poem - Ben Jonson, The Forest--Song to Celia

Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm a CT!!!... not sure what I'm in for (yet)

WOW! I never even considered it before, but I was asked to be on Scrappin' Brat's creative team!! I have mixed feelings here... excitement that someone actually LIKES my layouts, but then I'm not sure I really want to make a commitment to "scrapping on demand". This is so new to me but I thought I'd give it a try on a TRIAL basis. I recieved my first kit today SO you'll be seeing a lot of her kits shown off here. First things first.... she has a SALE going on right now... February 13th - 28th!! Go check it out! Her links are under the ad below.

And here's another Valentine I created for the Valentine challenge at OWD. Have a great day!

Kit - Olde Tyme Rose collab from Heritage Scraps - Kate McClellan, DigiZines by Teri, Jean Daugherty Designs & Designs by BubblyKori
Fonts - Beyond Wonderland, Ellida

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I FINALLY got to see my new grandson, Arty Jr, last night! Boy oh boy, is he a little chunker, haha! He was born almost a month early and still weighed over 9 pounds! He was in an incubator for the first 20 hours or so "just in case" but now he's hanging out with with his fellow baby friends in the "gallery"!!! I got to hold him for 20 minutes last night and fell in love... how can a Grandma not love such a darling!?! I haven't gotten the pictures off my camera or memory stick yet, but this is one that my son gave me that's ONE HOUR after his birth. You can be sure you'll be seeing more picture of him in the coming days!

Kit - Tout Simplement by Fran at Imagine by Fran
Fonts- NipAndTuck, Bradley Hand ITC, Missy BT, Morning Limerick BT

And... I just wanted to show you another Valentine I created for Osten "The Dude" Wilkins. He has a challenge in the forum to get his hearts (scrap hearts!) if we "torture" him with lovin', haha! Anyway, he's my DAY TWO Valentine! A POET I AM NOT!!! Hahaha!

Kit - My Grungy Valentine kit by Scrap U
Lips - from Sweet Valentine Kit by Tempus Fugit
Envelope w/ paper - Vintage Floral Bonus Envelope by KylieM Designs
Font - Liorah BT

See ya later!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day... almost

Well, I haven't been able to get to the hospital yet to meet Arty, Jr (my brand spankin' new grandson) so I've been trying to keep busy. The anticipation is killing me!!!! I love NEW babies... they're so little and cute and chubby (at least this one should be chubby at almost 9-1/2 pounds, haha). Soooo I finally got time to play with a couple GLORIOUS and BEAUTIFUL kits by Linda Walton, aka bobbysgirlforever, aka Bon Scrapatit Designs (say THAT three times fast, LOL). I just couldn't decide which kit I wanted to use so I combined them!!! You just HAVE to run over to her blog and check them out... GORGEOUS kits!!! Some pieces are from an awesome kit called "Forever Mine" which is still available on her blog... RUN!!! And the rest is from another beautiful creation called "Love Me Tender" which you can still get at Linda's store at Digital Candy for an excellent price!!

:::Note to Linda:::
If you're looking, I sooo tried to upload this to your slideshow but couldn't get past 5%... grrrr. If you could snag it and upload it that would help so much! I tried for 4 hours, LOL. THANK YOU for the use of your beautiful kits!!!!

Anyway, here it is!! My Valentine to you all! Have a great day!

Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm a GRANDMA again!!! ... and a LO

My son and his wife did it again! An hour ago, my new grandson was born!!! Arthur William Hxxxxx was born at 9:13 p.m. weighing NINE pounds 6 ounces!!! In "other world" speak, that's 4.3 kg. BIG baby... little chunker!!! AND he was three weeks early! No pictures yet... she had a c-section and can't have visitors until tomorrow... but you can be sure I'll get some tomorrow! I'm so excited... another boy, wheeeeeeeeee!

Instead of pacing the floor like I would have (waiting for the baby to be born), I decided to play with a couple photos I have of my Grandpa Tess from when he was in the Army. This doesn't do the gorgeous kit justice but I didn't want to make it frilly. After all, it's the ARMY, haha. The kit is called Romantic Heritage and it's by another of my favorite designers.... Dawn aka Snowsmoon. You just HAVE to go check out the kit... it's gorgeous and FREE on her blog, Welcome to My Digital World!

And here's my LO...

Kit - Romantic Heritage by Snowsmoon
Arrow - CU fleche carton by Simplette
(recolored using Snowsmoon paper and color)
Fonts - 2Peas Champagne, Blackoak Std

I'll try to come back tomorrow night to post some grandbaby pics!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm ALMOST a Grandma again & more LOs....

My oldest son's wife, Kim, went to the doctor on Monday and had an ultrasound (pregnant again, haha)... and the baby is already 8-1/2 pounds!!! He's not due until the first week of March but just keeps growing and growing. When I talked to her the other day, the doctor had told her that if she goes full term the baby could be 1- to 11 pounds!!!! I'd die!!! Well, since she's had c-sections with the other two, this will be no different... her "date" with the doctor is February 27th. Of course, if she goes into labor early I could be a grandma again ANY DAY!!! I can't wait... another grandson!!!

Okay, I'm not sure if I'm getting used to this or I'm just bored lately, haha! I actually did TWO MORE LOs!!! The first one I revisited some pictures I recieved from my "other" daughter, Jessica. I love looking at the gorgeous dress she wore. She's been married over a year now but always think of her when I see RED! This awesome kit by Line was black and white so I did a bit of recoloring. I really think I need new pictures of her!

Kit - Dark Angel by Line ~~ some pieces recolored
Red Paper Overlay - 05_O_Edge_Flourishes by Suzanne C. Walker
Black Paper Diamond Overlay - 1-way_diamondoverlay by 1WayUp
Font - MC Sweetie Hearts

This next one is from another awesome kit called Rainbow Ride by Irene Alexeeva that I bought a few weeks back. I just HAD to have it and found some time to play with it yesterday. She really has the most beautiful kits! These are my grandbabies... my favorite topic to scrap! AND I won Masterpiece of the Day at OWD (Osten Wilkins Designs forum) two days in a row!!! What an honor!!! This was today's winner.The other winner was "BFF" from the previous post.

Kit - Rainbow Ride by Irene V. Alexeeva
Kit available HERE at her Scrap Orchard store

I'm off to watch some tv... I feel like all I've done is stare at the computer making all these LOs! Have a great day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A couple more... with Amore! and a new kitty too!

I've been hanging out in the forum at Osten Wilkins Designs a lot lately and just got this fabulous scrap kit by KimSmith Designs (she's a guest designer) for the monthly download called Amore. Such pretty colors... I just couldn't help myself. This first one is of my granddaughter and her best friend.... they're so cute together. This was taken at Tayli's birthday party where she had a clown/ face painter. What fun!

Kit - Amore by kimsmith designs aka vkimmycat
(background is bg4 desaturated)
Fonts - mayuge, Bradley Hand ITC
Wordart fonts - Tekton Pro, Chateau, Bernard MT Condensed, Bimini, Edwardian Script ITC

This next LO is with the same fabulous kit.... I had to recolor my BLUE carpet to go with the colors of the kit, haha. Anyway, this is my NEW KITTY!!! She has been a stray that was hanging around the house since she was born. Last weekend she was sick and let us bring her inside (it was 0 degrees F. out there!). We nursed her back to health and now she wants to stay in ALL the time! She loves us... we love her... she's a keeper! Her name is Puff -- named this because when she was born she looked like a little puff-ball of black fur.

Kit - Amore by kimsmith designs aka vkimmycat
Fonts - MC Sweetie Hearts, Annie BTN

That's it for now. Have a great day!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Valentine LO

Here's a quick LO I did before I get ready for SUPER BOWL (woohoo). I did this in about 5 minutes... fastest one I've ever done, but LOVE this kit... love the doodles! The kit is Lovely Valentine by ScrappinDove. It was a freebie on her blog... check it out HERE. My granddaughter and I at an end-of-summer festival.

Kit - Lovely Valentine by ScrappinDove