Happy Holidays! Are you done shopping? I have ONLY just begun! I was planning again on going out on Black Friday... and then thought better of it. Only CRAZY people shop on that day, haha! The mall near me had several reports of injuries on that day (from all that pushing and shoving) so I'm so glad I didn't. Nonetheless, I still have seven grandchildren to buy for... soon I hope.
Change of subject.... look at what I found!!! Barbara Lee at Just Passing Through came up with the cutest kit called Wood Meets Denim and is giving it away FREE on her blog! Go check it out here and leave her lots of love if you snag it! She's got a bunch of beautiful other creations to check out too... and her blog is decorated with her new kit, LOVE IT!

Well, I love denim and wood sooooooooo I played (rather quickly) and made a bragbook page... my bluejean babies! I'm planning on making a bunch of these too... love the look! I hope you have a great day!

Credits: Wood Meets Denim kit by Barbara Lee